Grace App for Autism on iPhone, iPad and iTouch


How much is Grace App and where do I get it?

Grace App is priced at €20 and is available in the iTunes store. The app is designed for both iPhone and iPad and can be installed on up to 5 different devices. You can purchase Grace App by clicking here.

Do I need a mobile phone account, or can I use Grace App on the iPod Touch?

Once you have syncronised your Apple device to iTunes and installed Grace App you do not need internet or mobile network access to use it. Grace App 2.0 is compatible with the iPod Touch 4th Generation, iPhone 4,  iPhone 3Gs and the iPad 1st Generation and 2nd Generation too.

How do I get a VAT refund for my Apple device if I use  Grace App? 

If you buy your Apple device in Ireland and you are using it for Grace App you can apply for a VAT refund from using Unregistered Vat form 61a – the same goes for all therapeutic apps.

Why is the picture vocabulary on the Grace App so simple?

We created unique pictures for the app in order to list it on iTunes and we paid a professional graphic artist to reproduce the drawings from my original sketches. These were tested on Grace – and my friend’s children to make sure they could recognise them.

We recommend using abstract images to teach new words so that the user will be able to generalise between different versions of the same item. For example, if you teach “cookie” using a basic drawing of a cookie then you can use a variety of different cookies. If you teach “cookie” using a photograph of a specific cookie there is a chance that the learner will always want exactly that brand and type of cookie when they request it.

So start with abstracts if you can (and save yourself a LOT of trouble if they stop stocking that brand of cookie in your local store). When you are adding to the App and building the vocabulary of the user – then use photographs to represent the specific.

The pictures chosen were the absolute minimum required to create good sentences without the need for much scrolling or searching. There are much more complex apps for people with a sophisticated vocabulary already available on iTunes.

The pictures are too small for my child to manipulate, is there a way of enlarging them?

The size of the icons layout is obviously tailored to the device. So the user has to have some competency around the device in order to make independent selections. However, once selected, you can tip the phone on to its side to make a large sentence, so you can view the sentence in landscape mode.

Grace App Landscape Mode

So even your Granny can see what the sentence is (or me without my glasses on). But if you find that is too small for the learner to manipulate – consider an iPad. You can install the same download on as many devices as you need (up to 5) – as long as they are syncronised to your iTunes account.

Does Grace App Work on the iPhone 1 or iPod Touch 1st Generation? 

Version 2.0 of Grace App only works on Apple devices running 4.x of the Apple iOS, so it will not work on the iPhone 1 or iPod Touch 1st Gen. If you are already using Grace App on one of these devices, please continue to use the older version of Grace App until you are able to update to a newer Apple device.

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